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Adult children (10) Boundaries (8) Codependency (9) Compulsive behavior (7) Dating and relationships (2) Depression (12) Divorce recovery (4) Dysfunctional family (11) Emotional problems (17) Forgiveness (7) Inner pain, struggle (11) Isolation, loneliness (13) Responsibility (7) Trust issues (8) Counsel from the Cross. Connecting broken people to the love of ChristTags: responsibility, isolation, loneliness, trust issues, depression, emotional problems Excerpts: RELATIONSHIPS DEFINE US. Who we love and who we think loves us in a very large part make us what we are. What we think of ourselves is greatly influenced by what others think of us. If we grew up in a very troubled home or if we are in troubled relationships now, anxiety, doubt, and fear may color every area of our lives. Yes, our relationships are very important, and many of us spend enormous amounts of effort, time, and money looking for the key to making our relationships stronger, more satisfying. This desire for relationship, although broken and self-focused, originates with God.. ..Because he [God] has made us in his image, we too are social. Being utterly alone, shipwrecked on a desert island, is terrible because God has declared that it is not good to be alone (Gen. 2: 18). We need relationships from the very moment of our birth until our death. |